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Seagull A6M Zero (20cc) 1.7m (66.9in) with 84° Electric Retracts

Seagull A6M Zero (20cc) 1.7m (66.9in) with 84° Electric Retracts


Seagull's 67" span ARTF version of Japan's most successful second world war carrier-based fighter makes a truly refreshing sight at any flying club whilst sharing the same presence and agile flight characteristics as the full-size

Brand: Seagull
Release Date: Aug 25, 2023
Spares and Manuals
Key Features
  • Lightweight, high-quality balsa & ply construction.
  • Authentic colour scheme.
  • Covered in genuine Oracover film.
  • Factory painted glass fibre engine cowl.
  • Detailed cockpit with lightweight painted pilot.
  • Removable canopy hatch for easy radio & flight battery access.
  • Two-piece wing panels simplify storage and transportation.
  • Authentic split flaps.
  • Full hardware pack included for either glow or electric power.
  • Scale details inc. dummy radial, exhaust stubs & more.
  • Crystal clear screw-on canopy moulding.
  • Quality JP electric retracts with sprung oleo-style legs.
What's in the Box
  • 1x Factory assembled & covered fuselage.
  • 1x Factory assembled & covered 2-piece wing set.
  • 1x Factory assembled & covered tail set.
  • 1x Clear canopy moulding.
  • 1x Painted warbird pilot figure.
  • 1x Factory painted glass fibre cowl.
  • 1x Sprung (oleo style) JP electric retract set.
  • 1x Comprehensive hardware pack (screws, horns, pushrods, fuel tank etc.).
  • 1x Steerable tail wheel unit.
  • 1x Comprehensive instruction manual.

Aircraft Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Approx. Flying Weight9.3lbs
Shipping Weight7.20kg15.88lbs
Product Length1,298mm51.10in
Product Wingspan1,700mm70in
Product Wing Area49dm2761in2
Completion LevelARTF
Experience LevelIntermediate / Advanced
Recommended Usage EnvironmentDesignated R/C model flying site

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