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Brand: Traxxas
Spares and Manuals
Product Description

Traxxas Certified iD-Equipped LiPo batteries are engineered to provide the punch and on-demand power for reaching the top speeds that Traxxas models are built to achieve. Traxxas Power Cell iD-Equipped LiPo batteries are engineered specifically to fit Traxxas models and maximize their full performance potential. Only Traxxas gives you more of what you want most: simple installation, a great price, and the most speed and run time available.

Battery Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Cells2S (7.4V)
Age Recommendation14+

For Manuals, Parts Explosions, Spares and other Related Products.

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You can also find more similar products in the Traxxas brand store in Batteries & Chargers/Batteries/LiPo.

Property More Like This Property + Brand Property + Category
Brand  Traxxas in ../LiPo
Category  ../LiPo by Traxxas
Traxxas Store  ../LiPo
Cell Count/Voltage  2S (7.4V) by Traxxas in ../LiPo
Connectors  Traxxas by Traxxas in ../LiPo

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