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Oracover ORACOLOR Display Stand 3 Tray (0995)

Oracover ORACOLOR Display Stand 3 Tray (0995)


SKU: ORA0995
Brand: Oracover
Release Date: May 20, 2009
Spares and Manuals
Key Features
  • Capacity per tray - 20 cans of Oracolour
  • Counter display for the ideal presentation of Oracolor paint system
  • Diameter - 40cm
  • Height - 43cm (max. inc products)
  • No assembly required
  • Stores up to 36 cans of thinner/adhesive per tray
  • Stores up to 65 bottles of hardener/adhesive per tray

Merchandiser Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.09kg0.20lbs
Product Width430mm16.93in
Product Diameter400mm15.75in

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