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K&S 9/16in Brass Round Tube, .029in Wall (36in long) (Bulk Pack of 3 Items)

K&S 9/16in Brass Round Tube, .029in Wall (36in long) (Bulk Pack of 3 Items)


Brand: K&S
Release Date: Jul 27, 2019
Key Features
  • Alloy 260/270 1/2-3/4 hard SEAMLESS mill finish ASTM B135
  • RoHS Compliant
  • R.E.A.C.H. Compliant
  • Hazardous Minerals Compliant
  • Considered Lead Free for Industry
  • General Purpose materials with mill finish

Metal Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.74kg1.63lbs
Product Length914.40mm36in
Product Thickness0.74mm.029in
Product Diameter14.27mm.562 (9⁄16)in
ProfileRound Tube

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