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JTT Weeping Willow, 3in, (2 per pack)

JTT Weeping Willow, 3in, (2 per pack)


SKU: JTT94270
Brand: JTT
Release Date: Apr 3, 2017
Product Description
One pack of two of 3" Willow Pro-Elite Trees, HO-scale. The JTT Pro-Elite range trees feature the most authentic minature trees ever made. All Pro-Elite trees feature our patented twisted wire process and a unique lifelike, 3D, textured bark with a gnarly, knobby surface. These trees also feature a two-tone paint technique that simulates aging, while some of our pro-elite trees sport genuine looking roots. The Pro-Elite tree range are for the serious modeller who will only be satisfied with the very best. These scale masterpieces elevate an ordinary layout and deliver a distinctive look to your scenery.

Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.03kg0.07lbs

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