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JTT Pine Conifer Spruce, 2.5in to 6in, N to HO-Scale, (45 per pack)

JTT Pine Conifer Spruce, 2.5in to 6in, N to HO-Scale, (45 per pack)


SKU: JTT92117
Brand: JTT
Release Date: Apr 3, 2017
Product Description
Super Scenic BULK BAGS. JTT's uniquely moulded Super Series offers mixed bags bulk quantity with different species and size assortments. These trees are already assembled and complete with planting bases. Great for N and HO-scale layouts. This pack contains 45 Evergreen Trees, 2.5" to 6" tall.

Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.03kg0.07lbs
ScaleN to HO

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