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Guild Lane Modelling Brush Set (3 pcs)

Guild Lane Modelling Brush Set (3 pcs)


Versatile set for layering pigment, creating fine lines, and fine detailing

SKU: GLDT01101
Brand: Guild Lane
Release Date: Oct 14, 2020
Key Features
  • Handcrafted high quality synthetic Kolinsky sable-hair
  • Double crimped, nickel-plated brass ferrule
  • 3-sided wooden lacquered short handle
What's in the Box
  • 1x Round brush, size 5/0
  • 1x Round brush, size 2
  • 1x Flat brush, size 6
Product Description
The Modelling Brush Set is a versatile set for layering pigment, creating fine lines, and fine detailing. Each brush is hand-made of finest synthetic fibres combined with a three-edged ergonomic handle that avoids rolling off the table. The included flat brush (size 6) is used for quick painting of larger surfaces. The larger round brush (size 2) is perfect for defined brush strokes while the smaller round brush (size 5/0) is used for fine and precise detailing. Suitable for all water-based and oil paints, textile pigments, and more.

Brush Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.02kg0.05lbs

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