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Futaba CGY755-GPB1 3-Axis 3D/F3C Helicopter Gyro and Governor With Programmer

Futaba CGY755-GPB1 3-Axis 3D/F3C Helicopter Gyro and Governor With Programmer


The CGY755 is an advanced helicopter 3-axis gyro complete with governor, with wireless setting and S.BUS2 support for telemetry. Supplied with GPB-1 (Gyro Programming Box)

SKU: FUT05102682-3
Brand: Futaba
Model: CGY755-GPB1
Release Date: Oct 30, 2023
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Gyro Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.27kg0.60lbs
Product Height16mm0.63in
Product Width38mm1.48in
Age Recommendation14+

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