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Evergreen 12x24in (30x60cm) 1:20.3 Novelty Freight Car Siding Sheet .060in (1.5mm) Thick (1 Sheet per pack)

Evergreen 12x24in (30x60cm) 1:20.3 Novelty Freight Car Siding Sheet .060in (1.5mm) Thick (1 Sheet per pack)


6x12in (15x30cm) opaque white polystyrene sheet with scale novelty/drop siding pattern.

SKU: EVG14602
Brand: Evergreen
Categories:  Materials/Plastic & Siding
Release Date: Apr 26, 2017

Plastic Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.34kg0.75lbs
Product Width304.80mm12in
Product Length609.60mm24in
Product Thickness1.52mm.060in
ProfileRailway Sheet

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Profile Shape  Railway Sheet by Evergreen in Plastic
Colour  White by Evergreen in ../Plastic